Sunday, July 04, 2010


I've started on my Tour de Fleece spinning, although day one was a bit of a washout due to the fact that it was my partner's birthday and we spent the day running around doing birthday-ish things. But! I did sample a bit of the roving I intend to spin, and having finished that I got to work spinning my actual challenge piece.

TdF day 1

It's a 50/50 merino/tencel blend from Waterloo Wools in "Message in a Bottle." It's an awful lot more purple IRL and soft as anything. It should end up as a three-ply fingering-weight sock yarn, but it wants to spin very thin so it's a fight to get my singles just right. That's my Kundert walnut spindle which I love, love, love, love.

I have other projects on the go on my Rav page, but mostly the thing I am most excited about is the pair of socks I am knitting from the toe up AND two-at-a-time! It is managing to keep my interest mostly because it's got the most complicated cable chart I've ever knitted from to date, and also it is satisfying to know that once I am done knitting one sock, I am done BOTH socks. Hooray!

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